कब्ज और बवासीर को जड़ से ख़त्म करे होमियोपैथी से | kabj aur bavaseer ko jad se khatm kre homeopathy dwara | Permanently cure constipation & piles by homeopathy from the best homeopathic doctor of Dr. Deepika’s Homeopathy . Dr.…
Acne (Pimples) vulgaris This is disorder affected teenagers & characterized by chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit due to blockage of the pilosebaceous duct. Etiology (Cause) The exact cause is not known but many factors are responsible.1. Excessive sebum secretion2.…
🦟Dengue fever 🦟It is an acute infection with febrile disease characterized by severe body aches and thrombocytopenia 😔Causes of dengue🦟Dengue fever is caused by any one of four types of dengue viruses.1:DENV-12:DENV-23:DENV-34:DENV-4 You can’t get dengue fever from being around…
Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune skin disease, causing hair loss on the scalp, face, and sometimes on other areas of the body. Visit the best homeopathic doctor near you for the best results on Fibroids to cure them permanently…
Non-cancerous growths in the uterus can develop during a woman’s childbearing years. Visit the best homeopathic doctor near you for the best results on Fibroids to cure them permanently using natural homeopathy treatment Causes of fibroids It’s unclear why fibroids…
Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets often leads to loosening of the teeth. Visit the best homeopathic doctor near you for the best results on pyorrhoea to cure it permanently using natural homeopathy treatment Causes of pyorrhoea 🦷Smoking…
A recurrent throbbing headache typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. Causes of migraine Some other possible triggers include: Symptoms of migraine The primary symptom of a migraine is a headache.…
Understanding Thyroid Disorders: Symptoms, Treatment, and Finding the Best Homeopathic Doctor
It is the acute bacterial infection of the breast resulting in the collection of pus in the breast tissue. Causes of mastitis Mastitis when breast-feeding usually results from a blocked or plugged duct. The blockage causes milk stasis when the…
“Excessive amount of normal vaginal discharge which should fulfill following criteria.” ▪️ Persistent vulvar moistness or staining of undergarments (brownish-yellow discoloration). ▪️ patient needs to wear a vulvar pad. ▪️ It is non-purulent and non-offensive. ▪️ It is non irritant…