Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are typical hormonal disorders seen in women in the reproductive age group. Both have the same symptoms such as irregular menstrual periods, weight gain, and hormone imbalance but have differences. Differentiating…
Non-cancerous growths in the uterus can develop during a woman’s childbearing years. Visit the best homeopathic doctor near you for the best results on Fibroids to cure them permanently using natural homeopathy treatment Causes of fibroids It’s unclear why fibroids…
It is the acute bacterial infection of the breast resulting in the collection of pus in the breast tissue. Causes of mastitis Mastitis when breast-feeding usually results from a blocked or plugged duct. The blockage causes milk stasis when the…
“Excessive amount of normal vaginal discharge which should fulfill following criteria.” ▪️ Persistent vulvar moistness or staining of undergarments (brownish-yellow discoloration). ▪️ patient needs to wear a vulvar pad. ▪️ It is non-purulent and non-offensive. ▪️ It is non irritant…
Cervix canceris the uterus cervix, which is the most common cancer in women in developing countries like India.
Dynorrhoea is "Painful Menstruation which disturbs the day to day activities of a menstruating female called dysmenorrhoea".
It is infrequently present in about 50% of cases, particularly in the first pregnancy felt the morning sickness The severe type of nausea n vomiting during pregnancy is also called hyperemesis gravidarum. Homeopathic management of morning sickness 😊arsenic album 😊colchicum…
Cause of Hemorrhage early in pregnancy Related to the pregnancy👉Abortion(95%)👉ectopic pregnancy👉Hydatidy from mole👉Implantion2. Cause associated with pregnancy👉Cervical erosion👉 cervical polyp👉ruptured genital varicose vein👉Cervical malignancy ABORTIONTermination of pregnancy before the 28 weeks of the pregnancy.1st spontaneous2nd induced Etiology👉Genetic factors👉Endocrinal factors👉Anatomical…