It is the unconscious want to relief from intolerable stress in which the patient shows Verity of features without any organic changes or cause to find concern to others. Causes of hysteria The exact cause is not known but it…
Atrophy of the bone is characterized by decreased calcium content in the bone. Causes On the basis of cause, osteoporosis is of 2 types 1-Primary or idiopathic or senile – It is the osteoporosis that appears in old age particularly…
Jaundice is a condition in which the skin, sclera (whites of the eyes), and mucous membranes turn yellow. This yellow color is caused by a high level of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment. Bile is fluid secreted by the liver.…
It is infrequently present in about 50% of cases, particularly in the first pregnancy felt the morning sickness The severe type of nausea n vomiting during pregnancy is also called hyperemesis gravidarum. Homeopathic management of morning sickness 😊arsenic album 😊colchicum…