High blood pressure is the most prevalent health condition. It affects millions of people globally. It can be referred to as a “silent killer” because it damages the heart and other organs without showing symptoms. In this blog post, we shall discuss the nature of high blood pressure, its causes, its signs and symptoms, its types, and finally how Homeopathy Medicine for Cholesterol offers relief in natural medicines to manage it well. Homeopathy provides a holistic approach to improving heart health and overall well-being by addressing the root causes and helping to regulate blood pressure levels.
What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, refers to the high force of the blood against your arteries’ walls. This imposes additional strain on your heart and blood vessels. If left unattended, such a condition might lead to critical health issues including heart disease, stroke, or kidney damage.

Types of Blood Pressure
Blood pressure can be divided into various categories depending on the level and the reading. These include:
Normal Blood Pressure: Less than 120/80 mm Hg.
Elevated Blood Pressure: Systolic pressure ranging between 120-129 mm Hg, with diastolic less than 80 mm Hg.
Hypertension Stage 1: Systolic ranging between 130-139 mm Hg, or diastolic ranging between 80-89 mm Hg.
Hypertension stage 2: systolic over 140 and/or diastolic over 90.
Hypertensive crisis – systolic>180 and/or diastolic>120 mm Hg. This is considered a medical emergency.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is often known as the “silent killer.” Many people will not have noticeable symptoms unless their blood pressure is extremely dangerous. That’s why regular checks are so crucial for early detection. However, when symptoms occur, they may include:
Headaches: Persistent or severe headaches, especially in the morning, are common with high blood pressure. These headaches may become more frequent as blood pressure levels rise.
Dizziness: People with high blood pressure may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or unsteady, especially when changing positions (like standing up quickly from a sitting or lying down position).
Breathlessness: In case blood pressure is elevated, this can cause strain on the heart and lungs that results in breathlessness even with slight physical activity or when resting.
Pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest: High blood pressure may cause chest tightness or pain. It may be because of increased pressure on the heart. Get immediate medical help when you feel pain or pressure in your chest.
Blurred Vision: High blood pressure can bring about vision-related problems, which may include the blurring of vision or the appearance of two images. In this case, the condition tends to damage blood vessels in the eyes, affecting the circulation process and causing one to have some vision problems.
Nosebleeds: Because high blood pressure puts a strain on the easily broken blood vessels in the nose, frequent nosebleeds, and unexplained occurrences may be encountered.
Fatigue: The feeling of constant tiredness and weakness is another symptom that may bring an early indication of high blood pressure. This happens because your heart has to work harder to pump the blood, leaving you pretty exhausted.
Palpitations: High blood pressure can sometimes cause palpitations or a racing, pounding, and irregular heartbeat both during physical activity and even at rest.

Causes of High Blood Pressure
There are many causes of high blood pressure, known as hypertension, often classified into two types: primary (essential) or secondary hypertension.
1. Primary (Essential) Hypertension:
This is the most prevalent form and has no single identifiable cause. It often begins very gradually after many years, and its risks include the following:
Genetic: A history in your family of having high blood pressure increases the chances of developing this condition.
Age: The risk grows with age, especially over 45 in men and 65 in women.
Obesity: Excess weight puts added stress on the heart and contributes to the risk of high blood pressure.
Physical Inactivity: Lack of physical activity leads to overweight and bad circulation, contributing to high blood pressure.
Diet: High-salt, high-saturated fat diets, combined with a diet low in potassium, may elevate blood pressure.
Chronic Stress: Long-term stress, compounded with unhealthy coping behaviors such as smoking or overeating, is one of the common causes of elevated blood pressure.
2. Secondary Hypertension:
This kind of hypertension arises from other primary health issues like:
Kidney Disease: Reduced kidney functioning can no longer keep blood pressure within a healthy range.
Sleep Apnea: Poor breathing patterns while sleeping are one of the major causes of hypertension.
Thyroid Conditions: Over- or under-active thyroids may contribute to elevated blood pressure.
Medications: Some drugs, like birth control pills and cold medications, can raise blood pressure.
Alcohol or Drug Abuse: Excessive alcohol or drug use can lead to hypertension.

Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a silent disease, which makes it important to be aware of the risks. Some of the risks associated with uncontrolled high blood pressure are:
Heart Disease: High blood pressure increases the risk of heart attack, heart failure, and other heart-related issues.
Stroke: Severe blood vessels in the brain can be harmed by hypertension; thus, strokes are a dangerous risk.
Kidney Damage: Long-term excessive blood pressure destroys the kidneys leading to kidney diseases.
Vision Loss: Damage caused to the eyes’ blood vessels can cause some vision problems and even blindness
Aneurysm: Increased pressure destroys the blood vessel walls making way for an aneurysm.

Precautions for High Blood Pressure
Management of high blood pressure demands proper precaution to prevent further complications. Some of the key precautions are:
Blood Pressure Check-Ups: Regularly checking up ensures a follow-up of your blood pressure.
Healthy Diet: Consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy is also helpful in managing your blood pressure.
Regular Physical Activity: It enhances the heart and helps manage your blood pressure.
Limit sodium intake: Reduce salt in your diet, which will help in lowering blood pressure.
Manage stress: Do some yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
Avoid smoking and alcohol: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption increase blood pressure.
Adhere to medications: If the doctor prescribes any medication, take it as per schedule and follow instructions properly.
Sleep: A good night’s sleep is important to keep the blood pressure healthy.
Homeopathy Medicine For High Blood Pressure
Some homeopathy medicines often used for the treatment of hypertension by taking into consideration the individualized symptoms and the constitution are:
- Belladonna
Indications: Blood pressure suddenly mounts with the violence of intense redness, throb, and a sense of heat in the head.
- Nux Vomica is extremely helpful when a complaint appears and worsens when symptoms arise within hours of over-indulgence or abuse; often after intake of alcoholic liquor or some bitter substances.
- Aurium Metallicum
Indications: Aurium is prepared for patients having high blood pressure due to heart disorders or overworked states. It is also helpful for the patient with a high pulse rate, dizziness, and chest tightness.
Symptoms Treated: High blood pressure related to the cardiac issue, dizziness, and palpitations.
- Crataegus Oxyacantha (Hawthorn)
Indications: This drug has a good positive effect on heart and blood circulation. Crataegus is used mainly in patients who have a history of cardiovascular disease, and they manifest symptoms like palpitations, weakness, and feeling of tightness in the chest.
Symptoms Treated: General debility, cardiac ailments, and even mild hypertension, with manifestations like fatigue and dizziness.
- Lachesis
Indications: Lachesis is often prescribed to patients who are suffering from hypertension caused by hormonal imbalances, especially during the menopause stage. It also helps in those cases where the patient feels the sensation of constriction around the chest and whose symptoms worsen with warmth or tight clothing.
Symptoms Treated: The patient suffers from hypertension with the sensation of oppression in the chest and restlessness, and it tends to be worse in hot weather.
- Hyoscyamus
Indications: Hyoscyamus is indicated when the blood pressure is elevated in cases of mental strain, excitement, or nervous instability. This remedy is helpful especially when such a condition occurs along with some form of anxiety, mental agitation, or a feeling of excitement.
Symptoms Treated: Anxiety, nervous tension, agitation resulting in blood pressure elevation
- Calcarea Carbonica
Indications: For the plump, stressed, and hypercholesterolemic patient with a tendency to hypertension. It is used when a sluggish metabolism and constitution contribute to high blood pressure.
Symptoms Treated: High blood pressure in the overweight patient with a tendency to feel tired and sluggish.
This information is only for educational purposes. Any treatment of high blood pressure with homeopathy should first be discussed with a qualified health professional. No guarantees of success can be given.
Consult with Dr. Deepika
Dr. Deepika offers personalized care for the long-term management of high blood pressure using homeopathic treatments. She showcases successful cases of controlled blood pressure with the patients experiencing a marked improvement. Success stories highlight the solution as natural and effective in reducing hypertension without any side effects and eventually leading to better overall health.